“ In our forest garden we grow many varieties of trees/top fruit including: apples, pears, crab apples, lime, wild cherry, damsons, medlar, greengage, guelder-rose, mulbery, quince and plum. We also grow more unusual trees such as judas tree, strawberry tree and ginkgo.

Shrubs and soft fruit varieties are: blackcurrants, gooseberries, raspberries, tayberries, blueberries, redcurrants, worcester berries, autumn olive, worcester berries and blackberry.

Perennial vegetable and salad leaves includes: asparagus, rhubarb, perennial leek, three cornered leek, cape gooseberry, jerusalem artichoke, globe artichoke, tree onion, siberian purslane, salad burnet and french sorrel.

We grow many variety of herbs, some culinary, others are medicinal and are grown largely as bee/butterfly plants. Currently we have growing: comfrey,  borage, lovage, oregano, pot marjoram, thyme, chives, garlic chives, wild garlic, tansy, welsh onion, soapwort, sweet woodruff, alpine strawberry, purple loosetrife, teasel, marshmallow, St johns wort, lemon balm, wild rocket, chamomile. We also grow several varieties of mints, which include: apple, curly, spearmint, chocolate, lavender, buddleia, rosemary, pineapple, Japanese, peppermint.

We are currently busy propagating this year but also have plants available to purchase and we are working towards having these listed on the website shop.  In the meantime please contact me regarding availability and to purchase ( angela@angelasidwell.com or 07944333408)

We are peat free and only use organic methods. "